December 7th
By Riqui Ricón*
Till we all come in the unity of the
faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the
measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: (Eph 4.13)
This is the new feature in God’s Children’s, BORN AGAIN, lives.
to the Bible, which is God’s Word and cannot lie, now, in Jesus Christ, you
have a totally new and different nature; you have been Born Again not from a
corruptible seed but from the incorruptible one which is God’s Word that lives
and lingers forever (1 Pe 1.23) Your root, your beginning in this New Life is
Jesus Christ, for He is the Verb, God’s Word.
the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The
same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without
him was not any thing made that was made. In him was
life; and the life was the light of men. And the Word was made flesh, and
dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of
the Father,) full of grace and truth. (Joh 1.1-4,14)
If your
origin is in Jesus Christ, which, then, is the purpose of your New Life? The
purpose of your New Life is to develop that seed, that identity which is already
in you, set there by the Holy Spirit. You are an ambassador in the name of
Christ and have been made, by God, according to His Son’s, Jesus Christ, image.
Verily, verily, I say
unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and
greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. (Joh 14.12)
Reach the
measure of Jesus Christ’s stature of plenitude is NOT a matter of trying to
develop qualities which would seem you lack of or don’t have them at all. No! Reach
the measure of Jesus Christ’s stature of plenitude IS a matter of believing,
believing that, because of what Jesus did for you in the cross and for having
beaten death by resurrecting upon the death, you are now the person God says in
the Bible you already are.
This work must continue
until we are all joined together in what we believe and in what we know about
the Son of God. Our goal is to become like a full-grown man—to look just like
Christ and have all his perfection.(Eph 4.13 ERV)
On the
other hand, achieving the unity of faith means to believe Him, believe His Word
and make the Bible the greatest norm of your existence. The first step to
achieve unity of faith is to start believing in His Love, for it is because of
His love and only because of His Love that you are, in fact, God’s loved Child.
Behold, what manner of love the
Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: (1 Joh
Did you know God loves you with THE SAME LOVE with which He loves His
Son, Jesus?
I in them and you in me, all being perfected into
one—so that the world will know you sent me and will understand that you love
them as much as you love me. (Joh 17.23 LB)
The Bible
confronts you and makes you reflect, what higher status from Christ’s plenitude
could you attain than knowing that, because of the price He paid, His sacrifice
in the cross, His death and His resurrection, you already are just like He is?
we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he
that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. Herein is our love made
perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so
are we in this world. (1 Joh 4.16-17)
Now you
know, for it is writen in God’s Word, but, can you believe it? Can you believe
what the Bible says is the Truth and that it is God’s Word of Honor?
Of course
you can! You are a Child of the King! You are a Child of God!
perfect in the Love means receiving the identity of the Son that Jesus already
paid for you. And that, my loved one, is the plenitude of Jesus Chris!
Lets pray
out loud:
heavenly Father, how awesome it is to know that you love me just like you love
Jesus. The more I study and meditate in Your Word, the Bible, the more I know
of Your Love for me and the more I wonder in the perfection of your Redemption
Plan. You have made me a New creature,
this is, a new specie that did not exist before, a Child of God, Born Again. Oh
dear Lord Jesus! Thank you for so much Love. Your Word is the Truth and I am
the completely New person that You say I am now. I will not listen, nor believe
the voices of failure and defeat that want to stop me from manifesting at the
status of the perfect man that You are, Jesus Christ. I have not received the
spirit of slavery to be in fear again, but I have received the spirit of
adoption with which I say Abba, Father! You have called me into justice and you
hold me by the hand. You are the one who keeps me and, therefore, the evil one
won’t touch me. I determine, with your help Holy Spirt, to fulfill the purpose
of my staying here on earth: to manifest You, Jesus, doing the things You did
and even greater. So, I resist the spirit of doubt and fear. I receive Christ
Plenitude. I am healthy! I am free! I am prosperous! I am joyful! I am a Child
of the King! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Note of importance:
How do I become a Child of God? How do I establish my
relationship with the Almighty?
Simply say this prayer, placing all of your attention
and heart into what you’re saying to God:
Lord Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God. That
you came to this world from the Virgen Mary to pay for all of my sins, and I
have been a sinner. This is why today I tell you, I accept. I accept your
sacrifice on the cross! Yes, I accept Your precious Blood, spilled to the very
last drop, out of love for me! I open my heart to you and invite you in,
because I want you, oh Lord Jesus, to be my one and only Savior, my God, my
King, my Lord. Thank you, God Almighty, for with this simple prayer and
declaration of faith I have come from death to Life, I have been displaced from
the shadows and into Your marvelous Light. Today I have been Reborn! God I am
now Your Child! You are now my Father! I will never again be alone! Never again
will I live defeated. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Ricardo C. Peredo Jaime © 2012
and Meditating on God’s Word.
Do these daily readings
and by the end of one year you will have read all the Bible.
December 7th Eph 4.1-16 / Ez 10-11
/ Isa 42
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